Dated- 25/03/2020 (Wednesday)
(As Updated)
Dear Customer,
Welcome AND THANKS to go thru our COMPANY NEWSLETTER (Frequency – Once a month) with latest updates as on date.
We all are WORKING FROM HOME in current situation and it will / may prevail so for next few days or so.
Life never stops and we all are working from home now. This week too we had concluded 2 orders on conference video call (We / Customer / Our principle – 3 of us discussed together). We request you to go thru next few pages and in case of any TECHNICAL / TECHNOCOMMERCIAL discussions we can connect over our SKYPE (ID- sharad.avasthi) or on whatsapp no.s +91-9958199762 or +91- 8178907557, whichever way is comfortable to you.

Our this NEWSLETTER is in 3 parts now –

Part I – Some of our CREATED references / customers as on date (Exclusive from SHARDA ENGINEERS, FARIDABAD)
Part II- Our main activities / product range /principles/application areas / WIN WIN points / you tube links etc etc.
Part III- Latest updated list of USED machines (Immediate delivery at very reasonable prices AND DIRECT interface to end users).
We have completed our 30 month + of independent working since our company establishment and with support of many kind and valuable customers like you we had created significant milestones in market of ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL PROCESSING MACHINES & PLATE PROCESSING MACHINES (almost complete range) & will continue to do so with better and better hands holdings for WIN
WIN relationship and clear understanding of application areas. We remains.
We also invite your valuable suggestions to make this NEWSLETTER effort much more effective / 2 way communications. Look forward for your views.
Best Regards,
Sharad Avasthi (Managing Director)
+91-8178907557 /9958199762
M/s. Sharda Engineers,
A-1,Plot no.- 68, Himalaya Building,
Sector -68, IMT
E-Mail – [email protected] / [email protected]
Part- I
- Cnc tube laser cutting machine- 2 No.s
At SVARN INFRATEL, Faridabad plant we had executed orders of 2 tube laser cutting machines (6 METER long from 16- 160 mm DIA with RAYCUS 1 KW LASER SOURCE) in INRs / Executed / Imported / Installed / Commissioned / Trained by US.
Both Machines have been working round the clock to manufacture retail outlet components in mass volumes since past 2 months.
- CNC sheet laser cutting machine (JQ1530E- 1 KW- RAYCUS)-
Machine has been installed at RBS GROUP, Kalaamb (H.P.) and commissioning is due on resumption of working days.
Video link-
Actual installation site pics will be shared in our next edition.
- JQ 6016L + JQ1530AP (1.5 KW with shuttle table and covers) at AC Brothers, Moradabad
C-1- CNC TUBE LASER CUTTING MACHINE (6016 L with semi auto loader and 3 meter long unloader with 4 wheels)
1 kw raycus laser source, 6 meter long.
AC Bros is a leading manufacturer / exporter of furniture’s and special metal applications.
C2 – Sheet laser cutting machine (1530 AP with shuttle table and covers – 1.5 KW with RAYCUS laser source)
- D-1
JQ 1530 AP -1.5 KW RAYCUS with shuttle table and covers (PPS International, Greater Noida) –
We have installed a JQ1530AP – 1.5 KW raycus laser source – Laser cutting machine at PPS International, Greater Noida. Machine has been working there since AUGUST 2019 to their entire satisfaction.
D-2 – CNC PRESS BRAKE- 160 T with delem controller / 6 axis (Y1/Y2/X/R/Z1/Z2)+ 4 Front support arms on LM guide + Back covers
D-3- Very soon JQ LASER WELDING (1.5 KW) will be commissioned there and in transit.
- Fully automatic TUBE LASER CUTTING MACHINE (6020EN) with AUTO LOADER (4 TON TUBES) and UNLOADER has been installed and commissioned in SAHIBABAD AREA.
- Tool grinder for tooling’s of turret punch press –
AMBIT SWITCHGEAR, G. NOIDA – installed and commissioned 12 months ago (Feb -2019).
They do have 2 Amada Turret Punch Presses (EM 2510 and AC 2510).
Site video –
We have supplied AUTO TOOL GRINDER in SPRAY TECHNICS, NOIDA too in MAY 2019. They do have AMADA EM 2510 NT and FINNPOWER TPP . Working videos are as under –
We have also commissioned AUTO TOOL GRINDER to PARSWA EXPORTS, NOIDA in SEPT 2019. They do have AMADA AC 2510 NT machine with them.
Site video-
- Deratech 450 T tandem press brakes at KAMAL COACHES, JAIPUR –
Deratech installation at KAMAL COACHES, JAIPUR can be viewed on –
450 Tons / 4 meters CNC press brakes working in tandem
DERATECH machines are of great EUROPEAN class. Highly reliable and performance driven. With 32 installations all over india DERATECH is well set to increase their market share in INDIA and to get quality conscious customers. We are their partner in NORTH INDIA (Details mentioned on –
Few more DERATECH PRESS BRAKES are under transit (just ordered) and in next editions we will share site pics and videos.
Above are only some of our created references and it is not a complete list- please note. With all our customers we enjoy excellent relationship with long term vision.
Part- II
We MAINLY deals in (NEW MACHINES/ PROJECTs) as below details –
** JQ range of TUBE LASER CUTTING and METAL sheet LASER cutting machines (
About company – (website)
JQ Tube laser cutting machines –
With complete auto loader (4 tons of tubes- in bundle) / unloader –
FLT 6016 L – (with semi auto loader and unloaders)
Combined Machine-
JQ Sheet laser cutting machines –
JQ laser welding machines
Many more such videos on [email protected] (YouTube account of JQ LASER)
JQ Laser welding machine has been installed and commissioned with a known NORTH INDIA customers. INDIAN CUSTOMERS are replacing MIG and TIG welding traditional weldings with Laser welding with very clean lines and no need for grinding. It is a latest global welding trend.
Samples are available with us in our office and do u wants to visit any of installations before finalising order, we will be pleased to arrange the same.
Advantages- One of the best known global brands from CHINA. Highly reliable and having 29 machines already working in INDIA market to entire satisfaction of customers. JQ Laser tube cutting and sheet cutting machines are good for consistent performance and real value for money. We also have performance letters from our end users (using machines from 3-4 years), which may be shared on demand from customers.
Service engineer s (direct JQ LASER employees) are already being based in our office since past 9 months and within 24 hours service support can be provided with fully backed up online support from CHINA JQ HO. They had rigorous training in JQ works in CHINA and also commissioned few machines at his own . We also keep laser consumables stock with us and fast moving spare parts stock with us and highly committed to give INSTANT AFTER SALES SUPPORT by all means
Await for your kind reply / valuable RFQs.
** AUTO TOOL GRINDER for accurate grinding of tools (microns level) of TURRET PUNCH PRESS – Machine video
We have already supplied many AUTO TOOL GRINDERS, (Imported, Supplied , and commissioned BY us with TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY in INRs + 1 year warranty support + Support as and when required ) by us WITH few customers in NCR.
Few more such machines on TRANSIT now and will get commissioned very soon (Amada / Trumpf / Muratec / LVD users). All our USERS are highly satisfied.
Advantages –
Your TPP tools of imported brands are very costly and micron level accuracy grinding of tools help to increase life of costly tools greatly and also it helps in punching jobs accuracy. Before our these esteemed customers were getting grinding done from outside and material removal was 0.5- 0.7 mm and also in taper. From tool life saving itself entire machine cost can be recovered quickly / faster payback as compared to normal surface grinder.
AFAB Riveting Machines –
Few machines are already in market.
AFAB Self clinching machine –
Few machines are already in market and working to entire satisfaction of customers.
** Deratech,Europe range of products (
DERATECH group is highly reputed in sheet metal working machines such as CNC PRESS BRAKES / SHEARING MACHINES / TURRET PUNCH PRESSES / CNC LASER CUTTING machines.
Now they have, a state of the art factory of 25000m² with all modern equipment to build high-end machinery, it will save us a lot of time for logistics and make the QC easier.
Deratech installation at KAMAL COACHES, JAIPUR can be viewed on –
450 Tons / 4 meters CNC press brakes working in tandem
Advantages – DERATECH machines are of great EUROPEAN class. Highly reliable and performance driven. With 26 installations all over india DERATECH is well set to increase their market share in INDIA and to get quality conscious customers. We are their partner in NORTH INDIA (Details mentioned on –
** BLM , Italy range of machines (
BLM Group, Italy
Vast range of Tube Processing machines (
Highly reputed company for TUBE Bending and End-Forming / Laser cutting for Tubes and sheet metal / Wire bending / Sawing etc etc (Having 30 installations all over INDIA and few more machine on transit)
Advantages- BLM is a very well-known EUROPEAN brand for highly reliable and super productive machines of its own class. Metafil, Manesar is using 3 BLM machines (2 Laser cutting including one combination machine for sheet and tubes and a WIRE bending machine). Customer is highly satisfied and running cost / electricity consumption is very low justifying investment on machines. Other satisfied customers in NCR are SENIOR INDIA, MANESAR (tube bending work for HONDA) and Bellis Hardware, Noida (Tube bending machine for furniture jobs).
About BLM Group’s Tube bending machines
BLM BC 80 Machine (high speed tube cutting and chamfering machine) –
New possibilities with BLM’s Laser Tube Cutting machines
End forming –
Heavy duty TUBE LASER CUTTING MACHINES – (Above internal publications of BLM are highly helpful to know latest GLOBAL technological updates. Please go thru the same since our market too is getting constantly updated).
Scrap Compactor Machines from Rajkot –
As all METAL WORKING SHOPS have serious SCRAP handling issue – How painful it is weather its machining scrap OR sheet metal scrap. This solution helps in –
Compacting scrap thus minimizing overall volume.
More space in vehicle means saving freight charges
Compacting scrap increases scrap value to 1 Rs. Per kg
Reduce injuries to helper / workers.
** All solutions in Laser (We provide consultancy services too and helped customers on application issues on TURNKEY BASIS AND to get them right machines with right scope) – Executed few such projects already in NORTH INDIA.
** All solutions in PRESS BRAKES / SHEARS / TPPs (from our vast background we had executed few projects in recent past).
** Press brake tooling’s from EUROSTAMP, Italy. Highly reliable PRESS BRAKE tooling’s from Italy and we have already supplied few sets to our some valuable customers with highly reasonable prices.
** Tooling’s of TURRET PUNCH PRESSES (AFAB Toolings, CHINA). Already our tooling’s are working in many customer places satisfactorily.
** Mechanical ,Hydraulic, SERVO, Reconditioned presses of any capacity / Types (C type / Double C type / semi H frame / H frame presses / C frame.
Press line / Tandem press line / 4 point Tandem press line / Blanking press line / progressive press line / Transfer press line / Hot forming presses / Servo progressive presses / servo transfer presses – Much better quality / reliability / Price performance ratio factors.
** CNC Gas and plasma cutting machines (Any table / gantry sizes).
** Plate rolling machines / Tube bending machines.
** CTL / SLITTING lines / Straighteners.
** Plate drilling SPMs (14 sets already in operation for jobs like plate filters of high thicknesses for buildeing material).
** Welding SPMs (as per your reqmts).
** Any machinery as per your reqmt (From our WIDE global network)
More details / updates on our website (We do handle ANY and all machines related with SHEET METAL and PLATES).
We look forward for your valuable RFQ / Continued support as always.
Part- III (Used Machines- Immediate delivery @ reasonable prices )
We also deal in USED machines (with very reasonable prices and conditions / support).
Demand- INR 10 CRORES (Negotiable)
As on date stock update (As on 25-3-2020) (Used Machines stock) are as under –
- / Location– Faridabad / Demand- 8 Lacs/ YOM – 2009/ IN Operation
- / Location- Faridabad / Demand- 7 Lacs/ YOM- 2009 / In operation
- / Location- Rajasthan / Demand- 27.5 Lacs/ YOM- 1995 / In operation
- / Location- Faridabad / Demand- 38 Lacs/ YOM- 2000/ operational
- / Location – Faridabad / Demand- 9.5 Lacs/ YOM -2000/ operational
- / Location- Faridabad / Demand – 10.5 Lacs/ YOM- 2000/ operational
- – Uttarakhand / Demand- 61 Lacs / YOM- 2001/ operational
- / Location- South / Demand – 32 Lac/ YOM- 1990/ operational
- – LVD / Location – South / Demand – 92 Lacs/ YOM- 1991/ operational
- KW /Location- Faridabad / Demand- Negotiable/ YOM- 2008/ operational
- /Location- Faridabad / Demand – 70 L (55+20) / YOM- 2006 / operational
- / Location – Faridabad / Demand – 18 Lakhs/ YOM – 1996/ operational
SN Materials Description Make Condition Year Location Asking price
1 ION EXCHANGE – DM Water Plant Ion Exchange Working 2010 Manesar 1,00,000
2 Surface/ Tool Cutter Grinder with coolant pump 300x150x200 with motor JMT Working 2011 Manesar 40,000
3. Indcon Heatless Compressed Air Dryer 100 M3/Hr at 7.7 Kg/Cm2g Indcon Dismantled but Working 2002 Manesar 35,000
4 Variable Voltage Auto Transformer 415 v /600 v 100 Amps Green Dot Working 2010 Manesar 75,000
5 140 kVA GenSet Powered By Mahindra Navistar Mahindra New 2019 Faridabad 6,30,000
6 160 kVA GenSet Powered By Mahindra Navistar Mahindra New 2019 Faridabad 6,60,000
7 Compressor ( Inbuilt Air Dryer and Air Reciever-500 Liter) Make- Atlas Copco . Product Model -GA22 FF TM , Max Final Pressure-7.2 Bar, Free Air Delivery- 60.2 L/s, ( 130 CFM) Motor Capacity-22 kW Atlas Copco Working 2011 Faridabad 3,25,000
8 Compressor without Air Dryer & air receiver Make- Atlas Copco . Product Model -GA 22 F MP , Max Final Pressure-7.2 Bar, Free Air Delivery- 60.2 L/s (130 CFM), motor capacity-22 kW Atlas Copco Not Working 2007 Faridabad 50,000
14 JIB crane 3.5 TONE S. Crane Engg. Works Dismantled but Working 2009 Faridabad 1,90,000
All above machines- Instant dealings with face to face meeting with direct seller / machines liftings / engineering supports (In recent past we have concluded couple of such deals successfully) –
Important Note- To save your and our precious time from all sides we request only Genuine Buyers to get in touch & to get into further interactions. For information seekers all information is as above. It takes lot of time and efforts to line up / coordinate ALL ARRANGEMENTS. Hope that it will be appreciated / understood well in a positive way.
Best Regards,
Sharad Avasthi (M.D.)
+91-8178907557 /9958199762
M/s. Sharda Engineers,
A-1,Plot no.- 68, Himalaya Building,
Sector -68, IMT
E-Mail – [email protected] / [email protected]
We highly appreciate your Business! Thank you for patronizing our products.
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